Turnitin website change - 23/01/15

Turnitin have just moved their www.submit.ac.uk site to www.turnitinuk.com


Important announcement: anonymous marking on Turnitin

For students who have already accessed Turnitin this session.

It is no longer necessary for us to require account names that are anonymous for marking purposes.  We are now able to use a function in Turnitin to achieve this.  If your account name is set up with your student number instead of your name, you may change it (to your name – no nicknames) but it’s not a requirement.


Please note that when you upload your file to Turnitin, the SUBMISSION TITLE and the FILE NAME must be identical and contain your student number.

Introduction and policy

Welcome to Mahara where you will find instructions on how to use Turnitin for your Business School assignments together with a student user guide and manual. We recommend that you bookmark this page.


The Adam Smith Business School requires you to submit the final version of your assignments (unless otherwise advised) to Turnitin.  You will also be able to use Turnitin to check drafts of your work.  All information and documentation about using Turnitin can be found here.

Important note: submission to Turnitin is in addition to and does not replace other submission arrangements.  Deadlines and late submission penalties apply to print submissions and not Turnitin.


Please consult the guidance below depending on whether you are using Turnitin for an individual assignment or a group assignment.


Accessing Turnitin

Depending whether or not you have used the Turnitin Software before, you will receive different instructions to log in once you have been added to a class by your Programmes Administrator.

You can find details of the correct process in the Student User Manual.

Please ensure your name on your Turnitin account is anonymised as per the manual.

Using Turnitin for individual assignments: key steps

Please read the instructions below very carefully and in conjunction with the Student Guide and Student User Manual.

1.You can upload multiple drafts to allow you to check your work and are encouraged to start checking your work well before the submission date.

2.Drafts must be uploaded to the Revision assignment.

3.You are required to upload the final version of your assignment to Turnitin no later than 24 hours after the submission deadline.

4.The file name for your final submission on Turnitin should be in the format: student number_course initials. Eg. 2489587_EB1.

5.You are strictly forbidden to use a Turnitin assignment for a different course and to upload another student’s work.

Student Guide and Manual

Using Turnitin for group assignments: key steps

Please read the instructions below very carefully and in conjunction with the Student Guide and Student User Manual.

1. You can upload multiple drafts to check your work but it is essential that only one, nominated group member does this or submissions will match each other and prevent you from using Turnitin to help check your work.

2. Drafts must be uploaded to the Revision assignment.

3. The SAME group member must submit the final version of the assignment to Turnitin.

4. The file name for your final submission should be in the format:  group  number_course initials. Eg. Group3a_EB1.

5. You are required to upload the final version of your assignment to Turnitin no later than 24 hours after the submission deadline.

6. You are strictly forbidden to use a Turnitin assignment for a different course and to upload another student’s work.


Help and Resources


  • Student handbooks contain information about citing your sources correctly.




  • The ‘Indiana tool’ – online resources developed by the University of Indiana Bloomington explains how plagiarism can occur in a variety of ways and allow you to test your understanding.  See https://www.indiana.edu/~istd/overview.html for details.


  • The University of Leicester has an online tutorial for Management students which asks you to decide whether text is plagiarised or not - https://connect.le.ac.uk/p51557836/.  While it’s designed for Management students, it is also sufficiently relevant for other Business School students.