Student placements and employability

Work-related learning and transferable skills summary

Through my Work-related Learning I developed a set of transferable skills which supplement as well as compliment skills developed through my degree and which are readily applicable and valuable in the world of work:

  • goal-orientated work ethic
  • prioritisation
  • communicating with the public
  • team work
  • conflict management
  • working to publication deadlines
  • administrative skills
  • chairing meetings
  • minute taking

Part-time job: Skills development

This section reflects on some of the skills I developed while working part-time in a busy city centre bar/café behind the bar and waiting on tables. I am still employed in this post which I took up June 2008. 

Skill development examples:

  • Integrating into the team

Skill developed: Team work

When: In first few weeks of employment

Example: Learnt to integrate into a close-knit team in the... (more)

Employer events and talks: Skills development

Event 1: Glasgow University Internship fair

Date Attended: 27/10/09

Reflection on experience:

  • Preparation: Prior to attending an employer event it is important to prepare a number of questions to ask in order to... (more)

Student media: Skills development

Position: Features Editor for the Glasgow University Guardian

Date worked: 01/98 – ongoing

Skill development examples:

... (more)

Personal and Professional Development - Work-related learning skills

  • Working a Part-time Job
  • Attending Employer events
  • Participating in Student Media

Certificates and awards

Work-related Learning ePortfolio Supplement

This section of my portfolio reflects on my cultivation of ‘Work-related Learning.’ Appreciating the importance of an understanding of the workplace I have sought to improve these skills throughout my undergraduate degree and I have participated in the University of Glasgow’s Graduate Attributes Programme. During the programme I have had time to reflect on the following experiences:

This page contains the following elements:

  • Summary of the key issues covered in the Graduate Attributes Programme (GAP) sessions I attended and the relevance of the skill areas covered for future career. (See 'Working a Part-time Job - Key Issues,' 'Participating in Student Media - Key Issues' and 'Attending Employer events - Key Issues')
  • Overview of the key work-related learning and transferable skills developed during my time as an undergraduate (see ‘Work-related learning and transferable skills summary')
  • Detailed examples of instances where I have demonstrated these work-related learning and transferable skills in a range of activities separate from my undergraduate degree (see ‘Part-time job blog’ and 'Participation in student media blog')
  • Reflection on employer events and talks which I have attended, exploring what directions my career may take including goals and how this relates back to my existing and developing skillset (see 'Employer events and talks blog')
  • Work-related learning skills development plan

Work-related learning skills development plan

Work-Related Skills Development Plan

The table below provides an overview of the work related skills development areas and activities that I have been involved in during the course of my studies so far.

Work Related Learning AreaActivityDate of completion

Work experience - part-time job

Part-time Bar/Café job ongoing
Career Development - Employer Events

Registered with Careers Service to be provided with information forthcoming employer events and talks

Work experience -Student Media Features Editor ongoing

The table below details the work related development areas and activities that I would like to develop further.

Short-term goals (academic year 2009/2010)

Work Related Learning ActivityDescription

Date of completion 

Work experience - part-time job

Aiming to undertake work-place training courses and thus achieve promotion to charge hand by the summerJune 2010
Career Development - Employer EventsAttend internship fair and collect information on possible placements, preferably with large international firmJune 2010
Work experience - Summer PlacementCurrently applying for a summer placement  with Pricewaterhouse Coopers working on the Audit of a large UK bank September 2010

Long-term goals (before completion of degree June 2012)

Work Related Learning ActivityDescription Date of completion 

Work experience - part-time job

Once acheived charge hand status get involved in the induction and training of new staff  
Work experience - tutoringApply for and become involved in English as a Foreign Language tutoring for international students 
Career Development - Employer EventsIdentify those employers with whom I would like to gain work experience through and organise relevant workshops to attend in order to gain the required skills and experience for these placementsJune 2012
Work experience -Student Media Continue in position as Features Editor while training junior staff member to eventually fill this positionJune 2012

Daniel Cosgrove's Work-related Learning Skills ePortfolio Supplement

Working a part-time job - key issues

What is it?

Undertaking part-time employment in a busy bar/café environment while pursuing a degree...(more)

Relevance to university studies

 Part-time employment in the hospitality industry can impact positively on your university studies in a number of ways...(more)

Relevance to employability
Part-time employment during university has a number of immediately tangible benefits...(more)

Attending employer events - key issues

What is it?

The University of Glasgow Careers Service organises a wide range of events and talks by potential employers... (more)

Relevance to university studies

Employer Events allow students to see how the skills and attributes they gain throughout their university studies can be transferred... (more) 

Relevance to employability

 By attending Employer Events students are able to gain valuable insight into the different career paths available to them... (more)

Participating in student media - key issues

What is it?

Participating as an editor in the production of the Glasgow University Guardian... (more)

Relevance to university studies

Many skills are built upon and expanded by my involvement ...(more)

Relevance to employability

Involvement with a large, ongoing, deadline driven, team-based project...(more) 

Part-time work and employer engagement